Auto Insurance

<b>Auto Insurance</b>

Auto Insurance

Getting car insurance can be complicated. 有太多的选择,太多的信息,太多的选择.

如果你感到困惑或遗漏了一个细节,这可能会导致未来的问题和更高的成本. Will you be covered? Does your coverage still have time before it expires? Who's responsible for what? Who pays if there's an accident? How much will it cost? 如果你不喜欢你选择的,你必须从头开始整个过程.

CPC Insurance, 一个独立的大发888dafa机构,致力于帮助当地人节省他们的汽车大发888dafa需求, does all the heavy lifting for you! 我们以最优惠的价格调查整个市场,同时检查可能花费您的小字体.


Auto Insurance in Oklahoma City

Auto insurance is your safety net in case of an accident. Simply put, 汽车大发888dafa是司机和汽车大发888dafa公司之间的协议,你同意每月或每年支付一定的金额,大发888dafa公司接受在你的大发888dafa单中规定的任何损失发生时支付账单.


And let's face it, car insurance is a necessity, 但这不是你应该投入大量时间和精力的事情. At CPC Insurance of Greater Oklahoma, 我们让您在俄克拉何马城获得汽车大发888dafa既快捷又方便.

Auto Insurance That Meets Your Needs & Budget

Are you looking for the right insurance to fit your needs? CPC Insurance can help shop the whole market for you. 从责任索赔到全面大发888dafa,CPC大发888dafa为您提供全方位的保障.

我们在这里帮助和提供最好的汽车大发888dafa在俄克拉荷马城,同时节省您的钱. CPC大发888dafa将帮助您确保以可承受的价格获得适当数量的汽车大发888dafa.

We specialize in providing coverage for:

  • 责任:包括在你造成的事故中对他人财产造成的伤害和他们所承受的任何伤害.
  • 碰撞:在事故发生后赔偿你的车辆的损失,不管谁有过错.
  • 全面:包括火灾、故意破坏和洪水等事件对您的车辆造成的损害.
  • 医疗:支付与你在事故中受伤有关的医疗费用.
  • 没有大发888dafa的司机:如果你在没有大发888dafa的司机造成的事故中受伤,赔偿损失.
  • And much more.

今天致电或访问,了解您可以通过切换到一个独立的机构节省多少. 我们的目标是帮助我们的客户满足他们大发888dafa需求的各个方面. Let CPC insurance put that idea into action today!

There is a difference


While most insurance products are similar in price and function, 当涉及到构建一个适当地覆盖你的政策时,大发888dafa公司会有所不同.



What’s insurance for, anyway?

记住,发生事故后你不能买大发888dafa. 仔细考虑你可能处于的位置,如果你遇到意外,这是很重要的.

Keeping you safe is our number one priority. 这意味着确保你的保单能尽可能地保护你.

Contact us today, we’ll show you your options, recommend the right limits, and make sure you receive the discounts you deserve.

Auto insurance: required and additional protection

Insurance protects you and your assets in case of loss, injury or damage; either caused by you, or by someone else. Auto insurance usually consists of the following protections:

  • Liability
  • Collision
  • Comprehensive

But additional protection may include:

  • Medical Payments.
  • Emergency Road Service
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Protection.

Why We're Different

While most insurance products are similar in price and function, 当涉及到为你量身定制的政策时,大发888dafa公司会有所不同.

After all, 当涉及到你的汽车时,没有所谓的一刀切的大发888dafa政策.

Contact us today, and we'll help you protect what matters most.

Common Questions About Oklahoma City Auto Insurance

Does insurance cover your car if someone else is driving?

Yes. When you lend your car to someone, 这是你的大发888dafa单,如果他们出了事故,你可以赔偿损失. The driver is responsible for any damages, 但是车主有责任通过他们的大发888dafa来支付这些费用.

How does insurance work if someone borrows your car?

当你把车借给朋友时,你借给他们的不仅仅是你的车. You also lend them your car insurance. Anytime someone drives your vehicle with your permission, 万一发生意外,你的汽车大发888dafa将是主要的大发888dafa范围.

This means that if a permissive driver gets into an accident, 你的汽车大发888dafa将赔偿损失,就像你开着它一样.

然而,根据州法律,对许可使用有一些限制, 这些限制可以改变你的保单在发生事故时的反应方式.

What is the basic car insurance coverage in Oklahoma?

俄克拉荷马州对所有司机都有基本的法定汽车大发888dafa要求. These include:

  • Property damage liability - $25k limit per person
  • Bodily injury liability - $25k limit

如果您不确定您当前的保单是否符合这些要求, ask your agent or company representative.

Does Oklahoma require full coverage?

No, you can get by with basic coverage in Oklahoma. But if you have a loan or a lease on the vehicle, your lender might require you to purchase full coverage.

Can I have out-of-state car insurance in Oklahoma?

No. 俄克拉何马州的法律要求你的汽车大发888dafa单和登记来自同一州.

If you're moving to another state, 你需要更新你的大发888dafa,这样它在新的州才有效. 这通常意味着从在你的新家做生意的公司那里买一份新的汽车大发888dafa.

There are some exceptions, however. If you're just staying temporarily in another state, 你目前的汽车大发888dafa政策可能仍然包括你的责任, collision, and comprehensive coverage. However, if you plan to stay long-term or register a car in another state, 你需要从一家在新州被授权销售大发888dafa的公司那里获得一份新保单.